In sorting a collection of numeric values, we arrange the values in either increasing or decreasing order of magnitude. All the sorting algorithms presented in this blog aim at sorting collection of items in increasing order of size. You can achieve the opposite by simply changing the comparison operator  as can be clearly seen soon.
 Generally, in the analysis of algorithms we have the best case, average case and the worst case. The best case is when the input is already in the desired form. For example, when the collection of items to sort, is already sorted in the order we want e.g. in increasing order. The worst case scenario is when we have to do the maximum amount of work. For example, if the given collection is in complete decreasing order and we have to sort in increasing order. You see we have to touch and move every item. The average case lies in between.
  In evaluating the efficiency and running time (time taken to finish execution) of an algorithm called the time complexity, we usually use the worst case scenario so that we can say with confidence that the running time cannot exceed so and so values.

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